Smith, Alfred B. [compiled by] books & textbook
Favorites No. 2: Gospel Songs for Solos, Duets, Trios, Quartets and Group Singing
Singspiration /1946-01-01 Paperback / 94 Pages
Singspiration Number 5 Gospel Songs and Choruses
Smith, Alfred B. [compiled by]
Zondervan Publishing House /1948T Paperback
Quartet Favorites: Songs For Men's Quartets, Octets And Male Choruses
Multiple Authors. Compiled by Alfred B. Smith. Music Editor, John W. Peterson
Singspiration Inc: Zondervan Publishing House World Distributers /1958T Paperback
Choir Favorites: Volume Two: Inspiring Songs for Volunteer and Rally Choirs
Singspiration /1954T Paperback / 96 Pages